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     Вие търсихте за: предметна рубрика = Международна сигурност
     Намерени: 76 запис(а)

Записи от 1 до 15
Заглавие Автор(и) ISBN Година
Balkan mosaic  [книга]     Tsvetkova, Avgustina Kirilova     978-954-369-008-4     2008]  
Balkan mosaic  [книга]     Balkan Mosaic Meeting Euro-Atlantic Integration and Long-Term Stability in the Western Balkans, V. Sofia. 2008     978-954-369-018-3     2008  
Dialogues in the field of international relations, security, human rights and EU studies  [книга]     Grozev, Kostadin Ivanov     978-954-07-3583-2     2013  
Interagency cooperation in multinational environment  [книга]     Yanakiev, Yantsislav Valchev     978-954-9348-29-3     2012  
Leadership  [книга]     Kissinger, Henry     978-0-593-48944-4     2022  
National essay student`s competition Challenges and threats for the security in the 21st century : What role to NATO?  [книга]     Diplomaticeski institut. National Essay Competition for Students Challenges and Threats for the Security in XXI century: What Role to NATO?. Sofija. 2007     978-954-91821-6-3     2007  
Rehabilitation and multi-stakeholder partnerships on security in post-conflict situations: The case of Afghanistan and the consequences for the European union  [книга]     Pantev, Plamen Ilarionov     978-954-07-3043-1     2010  
Security Risks and Transformation - Euroatlantic and Regional Perspectives  [книга]               2005  
Security and Defence R&D managment  [книга]     Ivanov, Tilcho Кolev     978-954-323-510-0     2009  
Seventh International Conference Security in the Age of Global Changes, 15-16 April 2011, Sofia  [книга]     Zlatunova, Daniela Slavceva     978-954-07-3375-3     2011  
Sicherheit und Stabilitat  [книга]     Haftendorn, Helga     3-423-04530-2     1986  
The future of transatlantic relations: Turning a new page on enhanced cooperation amid new security challenges  [книга]          978-619-7292-22-0     2022  
UN Основна оперативна инструкция  [книга]     Организация на обединените нации          1999  
XXI век - светът между сътрудничеството и тероризма  [книга]     Дюлгерова, Нина Ангелова     954-715-261-0     2005  
Авиацията в съвременната геополитика и стратегия на ЕС, НАТО, коалициите и държавите  [книга]     Пенев, Павел Борисов     978-954-509-479-8     2012  

стр.    1   2   3   4   5   6  

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