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 Title >>>    Published at >>>  


Enter into the search box part or any word of the title. There is no difference between capital and small letters.

Title Search box

Drop initial articles (a, das, the) and punctuation (", ¿, !) in any language.

The length of the searching text must be at least 3 characters.

Example: If you are searching for the title america the results will be as following:

Search by: title = american
Found: 4 records

Records from 1 to 4
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
  American Heritage  [magazine]     American Heritage Inc.     0002-8738    2003 
  American Literature  [magazine]     Duke University Press     0002-9831    1929 
  Art in America  [magazine]     Sandra Brant     0004-3214    1939 
  Scientific American  [magazine]     SCIENTIFIC American Inc     0036-8733    1845 

The results are ordered alphabetically. To view the entire record please follow the link from the title field.

Note: You can see only 15 records listed on each page.

This thumbnail [. digital copy ] refers to the digitalized copy of the issue. The digital copy can be used according to the Tems and Conditions of using Digital Copies.

Each record is displayed in three forms: SHORT form, FULL form and ISBD form. You can switch between them using the buttons.

SHORT Form:In this format only the basic tags of the bibliographic description are displayed: Title, Author, Place of publishion, Publisher, Year, ISSN, Subjects tags and 5 years lastest receipts.

FULL Form:All tags used in bibliographic description are displayed in this format. The user can find additional information about the years available in the library stores.

ISBD Form: the bibliographic record is displayed according to the Insternational Standard for Bibliographic Description.

You can use NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons to reach the Next/Previous record in the List of records which have been found. You can return to the List of records as well.

Following the link on the Author's name you can see the records associated with this author. The same option is valid for Subject Tags as well.

By using the button New search you can redefine the search criterias.



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