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      = Galev, Todor Trayanov

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Assessing state capture vulnerabilities at the sectoral level  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (и др.)     978-954-477-417-2     2021  
Crime and Punishment studying justice system for shaping criminal policy  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (и др.)     978-954-477-179-9     2011  
Rolling back state capture in Southeast Europe  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (редактор)     978-954-477-455-4     2023  
State capture assessment on sectoral level  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (съавтор)     978-954-477-413-4     2021  
State capture deconstructed  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (и др.)     978-954-477-419-6     2021  
State capture estimation and monitoring of anti-corruption policies at the sectoral level in Europe /SceMaps  [книга]     Galev, Todor Trayanov (и др.)     978-954-477-375-5     2019  

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