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     Search by: author = Katalan, Zelma David
     Found: 6 records

Records from 1 to 6
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
20 години специалност `Изобразително изкуство`  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (преводач)     978-954-07-3805-5     2014  
Five practice tests with key and explanatory answers - 2  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (съавтор)     954-01-1457-8     2003  
Five practice tests with key and explanatory answers - 3  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (съавтор)     954-01-1577-9     2004  
Five real tests with key and explanatory answers  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (съавтор)     954-01-1327-X     2002  
Five real tests with key and explanatory answers 6  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (и др.)     978-954-01-2660-9     2012  
Three Programs in one Classroom  [Books]     Katalan, Zelma David (предг.)     954-9536-66-1     2002  

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