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      = Petrova, Neli Georgieva

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Physical & socio-economic geography of the world  [книга]     Petrova, Neli Georgieva     978-954-300-178-1     2018  
Physical Geography of the World  [книга]     Petrova, Neli Georgieva (съавтор)     954-638-117-9     2002  
Physical geography of the world  [книга]     Petrova, Neli Georgieva (съавтор)     954-9550-32-X     1999  
World geography  [книга]     Petrova, Neli Georgieva     978-954-300-150-7     2015  
World geography for the 9th class  [книга]     Petrova, Neli Georgieva     978-954-300-112-5     2011  

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