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      = Ilcheva, Miriana Ilicova

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Guidelines on incorporating tolerance and mutual respect in language tuition and social orientation of refugees and migrants  [книга]     Ilcheva, Miriana Ilicova (и др.)     978-954-477-354-0     2019  
National Study on Domestic and Gender Based Violence (DGBV) and Elaboration of Victims Support Model (VSM)  [книга]     Ilcheva, Miriana Ilicova (съавтор)     978-954-9945-39-3     2016  
Prison conditions monitoring index  [книга]     Ilcheva, Miriana Ilicova (редактор)     978-954-477-227-7     2015  
Suspects and accused persons with intellectual and psychosocial disabilities: Identification and communication  [книга]     Ilcheva, Miriana Ilicova (редактор)     978-954-477-398-4     2020  

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