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      = Lazarenko, Igor Yuriev

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Antike und mittelalterliche Munzen aus Varna und seiner Umgebung  [книга]     Lazarenko, Igor Yuriev     954-579-563-8,978-954-579-563-3     [2006]  
Antique and mediaeval coins from Varna and the Varna region  [книга]     Lazarenko, Igor Yuriev     954-579-564-6     [2006]  
Odessos Coins from the Period of the Roman Empire  [книга]     Lazarenko, Igor Yuriev          2016-2020  
The temple of the Pontic Mother of Gods in Dionysopolis  [книга]     Lazarenko, Igor Yuriev (и др.)     978-954-579-987-7     2013  

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