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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Geschichte der Kirche Osteuropas im 20. Jahrhundert  [книга]     Adrianyi, Gabriel     3-506-70301-3     1992  
Handbook on participatory local action planning to combat poverty and roma exclusion  [книга]     Tanaka, Jennifer     978-954-9630-34-3     2007  
Heroic Art and Socialist Realism: Monuments, Memory and Representations of the Socialist Past after 1989  [книга]     Vukov, Nikolay Ivanov     978-619-7420-03-6     2018  
Hitlers Ostkrieg und die deutsche Siedlungspolitik  [книга]     Muller, Rolf-Dieter     3-596-10573-0     1991  
INVESTMENT guide for Southeast Europe  [книга]     Ivanov, Evgeniy          2000  
In Or Out?  [книга]          978-954-2979-50-0     2019  
International conference `Defence Planning & Membership action plan initiative: Lessons learned after Kosovo`, Sofia, 11-13 June 2000  [книга]     Шаламанов, Велизар          2000  
Kezikonyv reszvetelen alapulo helyi cselekvesi tervezes a szegenyseg es a romak tarsadalmi kirekesztettsege elleni kuzdelemben  [книга]     Tanaka, Jennifer     978-954-9630-35-0     2007  
La mondialisation et les nouvelles limites du politique  [книга]     Krasteva, Anna Slavcheva     954-9699-19-6     2004  
Les medias en Europe Centrale et Orientale apres 1989  [книга]     Kanev, Venko Asenov     978-954-92119-5-5     2009  
Managing transformations in Еastern Europe  [книга]     Genov, Nikolay Borisov     954-8443-08-2     1999  
Manual de planificarea actiunii participative la nivel local in vederea combaterii saraciei si excluziunii sociale  [книга]     Tanaka, Jennifer     978-954-9630-37-4     2007  
Mass privatisation schemes in central and east European countries  [книга]     Chipev, Plamen Dimitrov     954-616-034-2     1998  
Neue Ostpolitik  [книга]     Bender, Peter     3-423-04528-0     1989  
Post-totalitarian cinema in Eastern European countries: Models and identities  [книга]     Marinchevska, Nadezhda Mihaylova     978-954-8594-79-0     2019  

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