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     Search by: subject = Музейни сбирки
     Found: 69 records

Records from 1 to 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
...От ревност за народно просвещение...  [Books]     Жечева, Магдалена Николова     978-619-91889-4-1     2023  
100 великих музеев мира  [Books]     Кубеев, Михаил Николаевич     978-5-9533-6113-2     2011  
75 години Исторически музей - Панагюрище  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Исторически музей. Панагюрище     978-619-00-0775-3     2018  
Boyan Radev collection  [Books]     Dimitrov, Bozhidar     978-619-90778-1-8     2017  
Collection du musee de la Banque nationale de Bulgarie  [Books]     Българска народна банка          2001  
Der osterreichische Museumsfuhrer in Farbe  [Books]     Dawid, Maria     3-7016-2365-1     1991  
French Painting from the Pushkin Museum of fine arts, Moscow  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Kuznetsova, Irina Aleksandrovna          1979  
Italian painting 13th to 18th Centurn  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Vsevolozhskaya, S.          1981  
Musee d`Orsay  [Books]     Gartner, Peter     978-3-8331-2941-4     2007  
Museo del Risorgimento  [Books]     Morabito, Leo     88-7058-297-3     1989  
Museum of the Bulgarian national bank  [Books]     Българска народна банка          2001  
Ottoman documents from the holdings of `Prof. Alexander Fol` Historical Museum, Malko Tarnovo town  [Books]     Istoricheski muzey. `Prof. Alexander Fol`. Malko Tarnovo     978-619-185-332-8     2018  
Roman Jewellery  [Books]     Ruseva-Slokoska, Lyudmila     0-88168-188-1     1991  
Selected Exhibits from the National Museum of History  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Natsionalen arheoligicheski muzey          1991  
The Masterpieces Guide  [Books]     Dominicus-Van Soest, Marleen          2003  

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