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     Search by: subject = Живопис, холандска [нидерландска, фламандска]
     Found: 36 records

Records from 1 to 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
100 Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Van Gogh, Vincent     90-6314-015-0     2002  
Bruegel  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Bruegel, Pieter          1976-1977  
Bruegel the Elder  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Stechow, Wolfgang     0-8109-3103-6     1990  
Hieronymus Bosch  [Books]     Fischer, Stefan     978-3-8365-3850-3     2018  
Hieronymus Bosch  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Baldass, Ludwig          1968  
Hieronymus Bosch  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Linfert, Carl     0-8109-0719-4     1989  
Jan Vermeer 1632-1675  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Schneider, Norbert     3-8228-9610-1     1993  
Jan Vermeer 1632-1675  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Schneider, Herbert     978-3-8365-0489-8     [2016]  
Maestros del Siglo de Oro Holandes en Dordrecht  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Brusati, Celeste          [2003]  
Mondrian  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Hulst, Dolf     2-87714-247-7     1994  
Peter Paul Rubens  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Eckardt, Dorette          1973  
Peter Paul Rubens  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Rubens, Peter Paul     5-7300-0050-2     1989  
Rambrand Harmens van Rijn  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Loewison-Lessing, Vladimir          1987  
Rembrandt Harmens van Rijn  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Loewison-Lessing, Vladimir          1975  
Rembrandt by himself  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Rembrandt     90-400-93-34-2     1999  

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