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     Search by: subject = Музеи, археологически
     Found: 56 records

Records from 1 to 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
100 г. от откриването на първата експозиция 18.05.1905 - 18.05.2005 - Национален археологически музей  [Books]     Национален археологически музей     954-500-141-0     2005  
130 избрани експоната от колекцията на Националния археологически музей  [Books]     Грозданова, Галина Стефанова     978-619-254-014-2     2022  
A Guide to the Collections of the Archaeological Museum of Nessebar  [Books]     Kiyashkina, Petya Stefanova     978-954-92396-9-0     2012  
Ancient Greek and Roman Coins from the Numismatic Collection of National Institute of Archaelogy with Museum  [Books]     Dotkova, Miroslava Dobromirova          2018-  
Antike und mittelalterliche Munzen aus Varna und seiner Umgebung  [Books]     Archeologicheski muzey. Varna     954-579-563-8,978-954-579-563-3     [2006]  
Antique and mediaeval coins from Varna and the Varna region  [Books]     Archeologicheski muzey. Varna     954-579-564-6     [2006]  
Ausgewahlte Denkmaler aus dem Archaologischen Nationalmuseum  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     National Archaologisches Museum          1991  
Bulgaria in the Byzantine World  [Books]     Balgarska akademiya na naukite. Natsionalen arheologicheski institut s muzey. Sofiya     978-954-9472-10-3     2011  
Christian orthodox works 14th-19th century in the National museum of archeflfgy  [Books]     Natsionalen arheologicheski muzey. Christian orthodox works 14th-19th century. Izlozba. Sofija. 2008     978-954-92181-6-9     2008  
Des Thraces aux Ottomans  [Books]     Cullin Mingaud, Magali     2-9516679-4-9     2006  
Die Schatze der Thraker  [Books]     Agre, Daniela Ivanova     954-579-560-3,978-954-579-560-2     2006  
Les tresors des thraces  [Books]     Agre, Daniela Ivanova     954-579-561-1,978-954-579-561-9     2006  
Mediaeval adornments from 13th-14th century  [Books]     Pavlova, Vanya     978-954-579-649-4     2007  
Mittelalterliche Schmuckstucke aus dem 13.-14. Jh  [Books]     Pavlova, Vanya     978-954-579-648-7     2007  
National Institute of Archaeology with Museum  [Books]     Balgarska akademiya na naukite. Natsionalen arheologicheski institut s muzey. Sofiya     978-954-92181-7-6     2008  

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