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     Search by: subject = Музеи - каталози
     Found: 88 records

Records from 1 to 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
100 Masterpieces in the Van Gogh Museum  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Van Gogh, Vincent     90-6314-015-0     2002  
130 избрани експоната от колекцията на Националния археологически музей  [Books]     Грозданова, Галина Стефанова     978-619-254-014-2     2022  
140 години от Освобождението на България в памет и прослава на падналите по бойните полета  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Ангелов, Чавдар Костадинов          2018  
59 Krippenausstellung - 2000 nach Christi Geburt  [Books]          3-927072-14-1     1999  
Abritus  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Радославова, Галена Недкова          [2019]  
Ancient Chinese Bronzes  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Owyoung, Steven D.     0-89178-049-1     1997  
Antique and mediaeval coins from Varna and the Varna region  [Books]     Archeologicheski muzey. Varna     954-579-564-6     [2006]  
At the gates of the royal court. Treasures of Veliki Preslav  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Aladzhov, Andrey Tenev     978-954-9472-83-7     2019  
Between war and peace  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Penkova, Sonya Borisova     978-619-7039-07-8     2018  
Christian orthodox works 14th-19th century in the National museum of archeflfgy  [Books]     Natsionalen arheologicheski muzey. Christian orthodox works 14th-19th century. Izlozba. Sofija. 2008     978-954-92181-6-9     2008  
Des Thraces aux Ottomans  [Books]     Cullin Mingaud, Magali     2-9516679-4-9     2006  
Egrapsa, Scripsi, Аз писах  [Books]     Hadzhiev, Кosta     978-954-9472-08-0     2011  
Gerhard Richter - Streife & Glas  [Books]     Richter, Gerhard     978-3-86335-453-4     2013  
Gods, humans, masks  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Marazov, Ivan Rusev     978-954-9768-20-6     2008  
Historisches Museun Rasgrad  [Photographs, Prints, Drawings]     Istoricheski muzey. Razgrad          2004  

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