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     Search by: subject = Бежанци
     Found: 87 records

Records from 1 to 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
Assessing the integration of vulnerable migrant groups in ten EU member states  [Books]     Mancheva, Mila Nikolova     978-954-477-236-9     2015  
Im Fremden ungewollt zuhaus  [Books]     Lehmann, Albrecht     3-406-35298-7     1991  
Implosion  [DVD]     Soren, Voigt     4670726     2012  
Integrating Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children in the Educational Systems of EU Member States  [Books]     Nonchev, Andrey Ivanov     978-954-477-183-6     2012  
International Conference Programme for Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria, Sofia, 17-18 Oct. 2000  [Books]     International Conference Programme for Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria. Sofia. 2000     954-90785-1-5     2004  
Kalte Heimat  [Books]     Kossert, Andreas     978-3-88680-861-8     2008  
Neuland  [DVD]     Thommen, Anna          2013  
Refugee Protection and Integration in Bulgaria 2004-2005  [Books]     Druke, Luise     954-90785-5-8     [2006]  
Refugees in Bulgaria  [Books]     United Nations     954-90785-3-1     2004  
The Run of the Thracian Bulgarians in 1913  [Books]     Miletich, Lyubomir Georgiev     978-954-09-1191-5     2018  
Treibsand  [Books]     Albus, Michael     3-491-72261-6     1992  
Актуални аспекти на процесите на интеграция и социално включване на бежанците в България  [Books]     Иванова, Ваня Евтимова     978-619-92329-0-3     2022  
Бал в полза на македоно-одринските бежанци  [Invitations/Announcements]               1903  
Бежанска носталгия  [Books]     Янчев, Никола Яньов     978-954-9438-05-5     2008  
Бежански неволи  [Books]     Коджабашев, Никола Иванов     978-954-392-001-3     2008  

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