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      = Медицина - конференции

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
IX-та национална конференция по инфекциозни болести с международно участие `Вирусни хепатити - диференциално-диагностични проблеми`, 9-11 октомври 2014 г  [CD]     Национална конференция по инфекциозни болести, IX. Ст. Загора. 2014     978-954-338-123-4     [2015]  
International Conference of NATO and IMAB Risk Infections and Possibilities for Biomedical Terrorism, Varna, 28-31 may 2003  [книга]     International Conference of NATO and IMAB Risk Infections and Possibilities for Biomedical Terrorism. Varna. 2003          [2004]  
Jubilee X-th International Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors, 17-20 October 2012, Medical University - Pleven, Bulgaria  [книга]          978-954-756-116-8     2012  
Making waves: Solution focused practice in Europe  [книга]     Switek, Tomasz     978-954-90423-7-5     2018  
Motor control VIII  [книга]     Ganchev, Gancho Nikolaev     954-430-478-9     1996  
Ninth natioanal conference on biomedical physics and engineering with international participation, Sofia, 14-16 October 2004  [книга]     National Confernence on Biomedical Physics and Engineering, IX. Sofia. 2004     954-91589-1-8     2004  
Parasite host environment  [книга]               1991  
Posture, balance, and the brain  [книга]     Gatev, Plamen Georgiev          2015  
Proceedings of International symposium Modern trends in speech and language therapy, Blagoevgrad, 28-30 October, 2011  [книга]     International Symposium Modern trends in speech and language therapy, Blagoevgrad. 2011     978-954-680-774-8     [2011]  
Programe & abstracts  [книга]     Balkan immunology conference, II. Varna. 1998          1998  
Tenth Anniversary International Medical Congress `Clinical & Translational Medicine. Challenges in the Healthcare Systems - 21st century. Values & Principles`, 5-8 September 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria  [книга]          978-619-7544-16-9     2019  
Third International Conference on Zoology, Zoonoses and Epidemiology, October 21-23 2019, Hissar, Bulgaria  [книга]     International conference on Zoology, Zoonoses and Epidemiology, III. Hissar. 2019     978-619-202-507-6     2019  
Third medical scientific conference for students and young doctors, 14-16 October 2004, Pleven, Bulgaria  [книга]     Medical Scientific Conference for Students and Young Doctors, III. Pleven. 2004          2004  
VIII th International Conference of Young Scientists, 23-26 July 2020, Plovdiv  [книга]     Dimitrova, Todorka Lulcheva     978-619-7413-20-5     2020  
X-та пролетна научна конференция по оториноларингология, 27-29 май 2022, Пловдив  [книга]     Попова, Диана Петрова     978-619-92191-0-2     2022  

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