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      = Европейски съюз - програми за сътрудничество

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
100 коментара за евроинтеграцията  [книга]     Каменова, Пенка          2012  
1st International Sofia Staff Week & 30th Anniversary of Erasmus  [книга]     Yanakieva, Antoniya Yordanova     978-954-9318-85-2     2017  
30 years of Erasmus in Europe and 18 years of Erasmus at Medical University - Sofia  [книга]     Garchev, Radoslav Aleksandrov     978-954-9318-86-9     2017  
Comparative legal research  [книга]     Legato, Mitch     978-954-477-423-3     2021  
Data sharing on terror-related crime suspects and accused persons in the context of the Stockholm programme  [книга]     Novosyolova, Tatyana Andreeva     978-954-477-434-9     2021  
Developing open, rule-based, predictable, non-discriminatory trade relations with priority ODA recipients  [книга]     Tsvetkovska, Marieta     978-954-9821-50-5     2013  
ECTS в специалността Кореистика в Софийския университет `Св. Климент Охридски`  [книга]     Федотов, Александър Викторов     978-954-91523-3-3     2005  
EU train: towards a common curriculum for the teaching practice of sciense teachers  [книга]     Lampiselka, Jarkko     978-954-423-451-5     2008  
Energy and Climate Diplomacy  [книга]     Neykov, Slavcho     978-619-7200-31-7     2021  
Energy and climate diplomacy  [книга]     Neykov, Slavcho     978-619-7200-18-8     2020  
Erasmus guide for incoming students  [книга]     Sofiyski universitet Sv. Kliment Ohridski          2014  
Happy-Nes(t)s  [книга]     Nikolaeva, Mariana     978-619-7100-19-8     2014  
Kulinarisches Atelier Comenius - Menu  [книга]     Иванов, Пламен Симеонов     978-619-7058-22-2     2014  
Library, Information and Cultural Heritage Management  [книга]     Todorova, Tanya Yordanova     978-954-2946-44-1     2013  
Public attitudes to science and scientists in Bulgaria 2016-2017  [книга]     Devetakova, luba Nikolaeva     978-619-91143-0-8     2018  

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