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      = Просвета и образование - конференции

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
100 години география в Софийския университет  [книга]     Чолеев, Иван Янакиев     954-07-1227-0     1998  
120 години университетска педагогика. Между традицията и новите реалности  [книга]     Тепавичаров, Ивайло Димитров     978-954-07-2776-9     2008  
16 International symposium on modern technologies, educatoin and professional practice in geodesy and related fields  [книга]     International symposium on modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields, XVI. Sofia. 2006     80-903478-3-5     2006  
170 години новобългарско образование  [книга]          954-9442-61-6,978-954-9442-61-8     2006  
Academic partnership for human resource development - specific characteristics, experience and opportunities for the universities in Southeast Europe and the Balkans  [книга]          978-954-715-345-5     2006  
Applied sciences conference with international participation, Bourgas,16-17 September 2005  [книга]     Applied Sciences Conference with International Participation. Bourgas. 2005          [2006]  
Art Synergy  [книга]     UNESCO. The Art of UNESCO Synergy In European ASPnet Schools II. Ruse. 2002     954-9972-42-9     2002  
Challenges in higher education and research in the 21st century  [книга]     Kolev, Nikolay Stoyanov          2008-  
Compedium of EU-sponsored projects relevant to prison education 1995-2004  [книга]     The International Conference Challenges for European Prison Education Project     954-90622-9-5     2005  
Education in one world: Perspectives from different nations  [книга]     Popov, Nikolay Borisov     978-954-92908-3-7     2013  
Ethnicity and educational policies in South Eastern Europe  [книга]     Genov, Nikolay Borisov     954-8443-11-2     2005  
Eдинадесети международен есенен научно-образователен форум Оптимизация на образователната среда  [книга]     Международен есенен научно-образователен форум, XI. София. 2021     978-954-07-5459-8     2022  
Final Report - SEE JOY South East Europe - `The jubilee of our yestermorrow`  [книга]     Summer School For Youth And Teachers From South East Europe. Smoljan. 2001     954-9972-23-2     2001  
Final report - Peaceful alternatives to conflicts through education PACE  [книга]     Ненова, Йорданка Кирилова     954-9972-21-6     2001  
Human computer interaction and educational tools - HCI-ET  [книга]     Dicheva, Darina     954-9582-02-7     1997  

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