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      = ИКТ - конференции

1 15
Title Author(s) ISBN Year
16 International symposium on modern technologies, educatoin and professional practice in geodesy and related fields  [книга]     International symposium on modern technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields, XVI. Sofia. 2006     80-903478-3-5     2006  
19th International Symposium on modern Technologies, education and professional practice in geodesy and related fields, Sofia, 05-06 november 2009  [книга]     Milev, Georgi Kostov     978-80-87159-07-1     2009  
2006 John Vincent Atanasoff information days  [книга]     International Symposium on Modern Computing IEEE John Vincent Atanasoff Information Days. Young Researchers Session. Sofia. 2006     954-91743-5-2,978-954-91743-5-9     [2006]  
Applied sciences conference with international participation, Bourgas,16-17 September 2005  [книга]     Applied Sciences Conference with International Participation. Bourgas. 2005          [2006]  
Computational models for business and engineering domains  [книга]     Setlak, Galina     978-954-16-0066-5     2014  
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns  [книга]          3-05-500451-5     1987  
Computer systems and computer - aided applications  [книга]     Popov, Angel     954-8329-12-3     1996  
Digital Spectrum  [книга]     Martens, Bob     954-16-0040-9,978-954-16-0040-5     2006  
European Conference Computer Simulation in Information and Communication Engineering CSICE`05, October, 20-22, 2005, Sofia, Bulgaria  [книга]     Dimitrov, Dimitar Tz.     954-9518-32-9     2005  
Fifth International conference Information theories & applications - ITA 2000, Varna, 1-15 sept., 2000  [книга]     International Conf. Inform. Theories & Applications - Ita 2000, V. Varna, 2000     954-16-0017-4     2000  
Fourth international conference Information research & applications i. TECH, Varna, 20-25 june 2006  [книга]     International conference Information research & applications. IV. Varna. 2006     954-16-0036-0,978-954-16-0036-8     2006  
Information Systems & Grid Technologies  [книга]     Dimitrov, Vladimir Todorov     978-954-07-3168-1     2010  
Information Technologies and Programming  [книга]               1992  
International Conference Automatics and Informatics`03. Sofia, 6-8 october, 2003  [книга]     International Conference Automatics And Infomatics`03. Sofia. 2003          [2003]  
International conference Automatics and informatics, Sofia, 31 May - 2 June, 2001  [книга]     International Conference Automatics And Informatics. Sofia. 2001     954-9641-24-4     2000  

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