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      = Геология - конференции

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
7-th international scientific conference SGEM; 2007 Modern management of mine producing, geology and environmental protection  [книга]     International scientific conference Surveying, Geology, Ecology, Management, VII. Albena. 2007     954-918-181-2,978-954-91818-1-4     2007  
8-th international scientific conference SGEM 2008 Modern management of mine producing, geology and environmental protection, 16-20 June 2008  [книга]     International Scientific Conference Surveying, Geology, Ecology, Management, VIII. Albena. 2008          2008  
80 години Българско геологическо дружество  [книга]     Българско геологическо дружество     954-91606-2-9     2005  
80 години организирана спелеология в България  [книга]     Жалов, Алексей Константинов     978-954-8827-05-08     2009  
80 години организирана спелеология в България 1929-2009  [CD]     Жалов, Алексей Константинов     978-954-8827-05-8     2009  
Advances of Geology in southeast European mountain belts  [книга]     Neubauer, Franz     978-954-90223-7-7     2018  
Annual scientific conference of the Bulgarian Geological Sociaty Geology 2004, Sofia, 16-17 Dec. 2004  [книга]     Bulgarian Geological Society. Annual Scientific Conference Geology 2004. Sofia. 2004     954-91606-1-0     2004  
Corporate Finance Management in Mining Industry CFMMI 2002  [книга]     Йорданов, Мирослав А.     954-91224-1-7     2002  
Exkursionsfuhrer b Sofia-Plovdiv-Burgas-Varna-Tarnovo-Kasanlak-Sofia  [книга]     Karpato-Balkanische geologische assoziation. Kongress, VII. Sofia-Varna. 1965          1965  
High pressure geosciences and material synthesis  [книга]          3-05-500555-4     1988  
IV национален симпозиум (с международно участие) Металогения на България : София, 07-09 май 2003  [книга]     Национален симпозиум с международно участие Металогенията на България, IV. София. 2003     954-8329-48-4     2003  
Mineral processing in the 21st century   [книга]     Kuzev, Ljubomir     954-9748-54-5     2003  
Modern management of mine producing, geology and environmental protection  [книга]     International Scientific Conference Surveying, Geology, Ecology, Management, VI. Varna. 2006          2006  
Proceedings of 3rd International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Hypogea 2019, Dobrich, Bulgaria, 20-25 May 2019  [книга]     International Congress of Speleology in Artificial Cavities Hypogea, III. Dobrich. 2019     978-619-7526-01-1     2019  
Proceedings of the XV Balkan Mineral Processing Congress  [книга]     Nishkov, Ivan Mihaylov          2013-  

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