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      = Математика - конференции

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Title Author(s) ISBN Year
113-th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI`113), September 14-18, 2015 Sofia, Bulgaria  [книга]     European Study Group with Industry, 113. Sofia. 2015     978-619-72-23-12-5     2015  
120-th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI` 120), July 25-29, 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria  [книга]          978-619-7223-31-6     2016  
95-th European Study Group with Industry  [книга]     European Study Group with Industry`95, Sofia. 2013     978-954-9526-84-4     2013  
Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory  [книга]     International Workshop. Voneshta Voda. 1992     954-534-003-7     1992  
Annual Workshop on Coding Theory and Applications, Blagoevgrad, 2006  [книга]     Balgarska akademiya na naukite. Institut po matematika i informatika. Godishen seminar. Blagoevgrad. 2006     954-680-445-2,978-954-680-445-7     2006  
Application of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics  [книга]     Marinov, Marin Stefanov     954-18-0301-6     2003  
Applications of mathematics in engineering and economics  [книга]     Marinov, Marin Stefanov     954-334-032-3,978-954-334-032-3     2006  
Bulgaria International Mathematics Competition  [книга]     International Mathematics Competition. Burgas. 2013     978-619-90038-3-1     2013  
Constructive Theory of Functions  [книга]     Ivanov, Kamen Ganchev     978-954-322-931-4     2018  
Constructive Theory of Functions, Varna, 2002  [книга]     Boyanov, Borislav Dechev     954-90126-6-2     2003  
Constructive theory of functions  [книга]     Boyanov, Borislav Dechev     954-322-144-8978-954-322-144-8     2006  
Constructive theory of functions  [книга]     Draganov, Borislav Radkov     978-619-245-060-1     2020  
Constructive theory of functions. Sozopol 2010  [книга]     Nikolov, Geno Petkov     978-954-322-490-6     2012  
Descrete mathematics and applications  [книга]     Strakov, Slavco Vladimirov     954-680-363-4     2005  
International Congress MASSEE`2003  [книга]     International Congress Massee`2003. Borovets. 2003     954-9650-05-7     2003  

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