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  Encyclopedia of World Art
  New York : McGraw-Hill
ISBN:  07-019467-X
  Vol. 1.  Aalto - Asia minor . - 1959
  Vol. 2.  Asoatic Protohistory - Byzantine Art . - 1960
  Vol. 3.  Calder - Cosmology and Cartography . - 1960
  Vol. 4.  Cossa - Eschatology . - 1961
  Vol. 5.  Eskimo Cultures - Gallo-Roman Art . - 1961
  Vol. 6.  Games and Toys - Greece . - 1962
  Vol. 7.  Greek Art - Indian Art . - 1963
  Vol. 8.  Indo-Iranian Art - Landscape Architecture . - 1963
  Vol. 9.  Landscape in Art - Micronesian Cultured . - 1964
  Vol. 10.  Middle American Protohistory - Painting . - 1965
  Vol. 11.  Pakistan - Rembrandt . - 1966
  Vol. 12.  Renaissance - Shahn . - 1966
  Vol. 13.  Shamanism - Terror and the Malign . - 1967
  Vol. 14.  Textiles, Embroidery, and Lace - Zurbaran . - 1967
  Vol. 15.  Index . - 1968
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